Happy Father’s Day from Brio Living Services! While this is a time to celebrate the fathers and other important male figures in our lives, it is important to acknowledge that June is also Men’s Health Month, with an emphasis on mental health.
A person’s mental health can affect their thoughts, feelings, and actions. Both men and women experience mental health challenges, but men are often more prone to negative actions and outcomes as a result. In addition, men may be less likely to seek mental health care and treatment because there is greater stigma surrounding men’s mental health. Brio Living Services is taking time this month to highlight the importance of men’s mental health and to encourage men to seek help when needed.
Some of the warning signs of mental health issues in men are: changes in mood and energy levels; emotions of sadness, worry, and emotionally “numb”; inability to focus; and more. Men often don’t wish to seek mental health treatment based on social and societal norms, refusing to talk to someone when they are personally experiencing unusual feelings and actions, and suppressing their symptoms instead of confronting them.
At Brio Living Services, we encourage those we serve to talk to our health professionals, spiritual life team members, and with peers, so they feel supported. We also encourage residents to make healthy lifestyle choices and take part in positive activities that can improve one’s mental health such as physical activity, eating a balanced diet, connecting with friends and family daily, and more. At Brio Living Services, we are committed to helping older adults live their best lives, staying active and positive, and striving to improve their mental health every day.
To find out more about how our residents stay positive, we spoke with Dave French, a resident of The Cedars of Dexter, about activities he is involved in to take care of his mental and physical health. Dave has been active all his life and played tennis throughout his youth and into his 80s. Since he and his wife, Louise, moved to The Cedars in 2013, he has been playing bridge once a week, golfing once a week in the summer, and taking walks every morning along the walking paths at The Cedars. He agrees that physical activity is a great way to improve mental health but believes that, “It depends on your physical health.” While it is important to be active to improve one’s overall mental state, it is also important not to push limits that could result in physical injuries.
The Cedars offers a wide range of activities, according to resident Ray Downs. “The senior staff provide a wide range of scheduled weekly and monthly activities for the residents so it’s always possible to find something that you like to do. Weekly and professionally-led exercise classes are well attended: two yoga, two cardio (a rigorous session followed by a seated class for those with limited mobility), Tai Chi, and water aerobics several days during the week. Educational and entertaining events are also provided throughout the year plus several bus excursions, such as a trip to the DIA.”
To help spread awareness for all aspects of men’s health, you can wear blue on Friday, June 17 to acknowledge Men’s Health Month. To learn more about men’s health and to access the resources you need to improve your health, visit Wear Blue – FAQ (menshealthnetwork.org)
At each of our Brio Living Services Communities, we value the lives and wellbeing of older adults and work diligently to provide needed supports to live fulfilling and healthy lives. For more information on how Brio is making a difference in the lives of older adults visit, Home Page - Brio Living Services (mybrio.org)
It is important to recognize the warning signs of potential mental health symptoms so the male figures in our lives can get the proper care they need to maintain overall health. For more information, visit:
Men's mental health: Common challenges (medicalnewstoday.com)