Human Resources Team Provides “Hero Support” for UMRC & Porter Hills Caregivers and Families

Caring for others is always essential, but never more so than during a crisis like COVID-19. While our Healthcare Heroes are at the frontlines, providing outstanding personal care and services to our residents and PACE participants, the UMRC Foundation, Porter Hills Foundation, Human Resources, and other teams are behind the scenes offering “Hero Support.”
UMRC & Porter Hills quickly put plans into place, providing a supplemental sick bank for all team members and $2/hour “appreciation differential” through May 30 for all direct care workers. The UMRC Foundation and Porter Hills Foundation have also launched a COVID-19 Emergency Fund for direct care team members.
Meanwhile, the UMRC & Porter Hills’ Human Resources team also jumped into action, reaching out to all team members by phone and e-mail to survey their immediate needs. Among their concerns are childcare while schools are closed and grocery and supply needs.
“These are such basic needs, and ones we knew it was our duty to help with,” says Michelle Henderson, UMRC & Porter Hills Chief Human Resource Officer. The Human Resources team arranged babysitting and launched “essentials cupboards” at six of UMRC & Porter Hills’ locations.
“We are so grateful to everyone who has helped with these initiatives, including local donors and organizations who have brought food, diapers, wipes, and more to fill our essentials cupboards at our sites from shore to shore,” says Michelle. These organizations have included Amway, Food Gatherers, Jiffy Mix, Lockton, and Sam’s Club to name a few.
“Our ‘Healthcare Heroes’ are here for our residents,” says Michelle. “Now it’s our turn to do all we can to be here for them.”